Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Advertisment : Actual Product

                                                                      Deception !
How many times has this happen to you ? You go to order something that looks absolutely mouth watering and then you get the actual product and it looks nothing like what you ordered ! This is just  one of the many sides of the advertising industry that drive me crazy or should I say "false advertising" really ! This is one of the many ways companies get consumers to spend their money on their products, it obviously works because consumers keep coming back especially when it comes to fast food establishments, because once they get you through their  doors and you try their product you begin to get addicted. The convenience of a quick meal and at a good price gets the consumers  coming back despite the actual look of the product.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Part two: My Path To Sucess in College

 As I entered college I quickly realized that I was in over my head due to not being in school for so long. In the beginning my grades were very poor and i was struggling and about to give up but I didn’t, I hung in there  and slowly learned  step by step learning from my mistakes and improving slowly because, I had  a desire to improve and the willingness to keep going on.

  In time I learned how to study better and started improving as I stayed in college, and my grades went from from Ds and Fs to As. I feel that I am a good roll model for my children as they watch my progress  and hopefully it might plant a seed in their head that they might also want to go to college and that it could be done. 

 I have really found the perfect career choice for me in the Natural Resource Management  program at the SRJC and I love working outdoors and  helping the environment, So I have learned never give up and that nothing is impossible and to find something you love to have as a career and go for it, because if your doing something you love you will be most likely to stick with it.

My Path to Sucess In College

There was a point in my life were I found myself getting older with irrelevant job skills and no means to support myself, all my job skills that I have learned over the years were simply not going to be enough to pay for housing, car, food and all the other things that people need to survive and live comfortable, and to be honest I was feeling quit scared about the future. It seemed that I was not were I should be at in life, I was on my own but I had children to think about also. I lived most of my life, in the fast lane !  

And then came three
Over three years ago i got full custody of my two boys, Angel and Jesse Jr and all of sudden it was not just me any more and that is when i decided to make my return  to school, so that I could find a career  to support my family and find something i would like to do.