Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Part two: My Path To Sucess in College

 As I entered college I quickly realized that I was in over my head due to not being in school for so long. In the beginning my grades were very poor and i was struggling and about to give up but I didn’t, I hung in there  and slowly learned  step by step learning from my mistakes and improving slowly because, I had  a desire to improve and the willingness to keep going on.

  In time I learned how to study better and started improving as I stayed in college, and my grades went from from Ds and Fs to As. I feel that I am a good roll model for my children as they watch my progress  and hopefully it might plant a seed in their head that they might also want to go to college and that it could be done. 

 I have really found the perfect career choice for me in the Natural Resource Management  program at the SRJC and I love working outdoors and  helping the environment, So I have learned never give up and that nothing is impossible and to find something you love to have as a career and go for it, because if your doing something you love you will be most likely to stick with it.


  1. I can relate alot to what you say about feeling in over your head starting over in school after not being in school for so long. I feel that way right now! There is so much to learn!

    It is great to hear that you have found something you really enjoy to pursue as a career path. I look forward to finding my own path to follow, step by step and with an open mind.

    Great post, Jesse!

  2. It really is fantastic that you have discovered your career path, and it makes it all the better that we have a program right here that you can get involved in. Liking what you do, and being passionate about it, to me, that is an integral part of the recipe for success. Great post, both parts 1 &2.
